Our main goal is to provide our customers with a high quality at all stages of the process. From the selection of raw coffee and direct relations with farms, our main goal is: traceability, fair working conditions and coffee from organic and sustainable agriculture.

When it comes to sustainability, certifications are not enough. We want to be able to tell our customers about our relationship with the farmers, how they grow their coffee and what agricultural techniques they implement.

For this reason, over the years we have consolidated collaborations with various sustainability projects. Here you will find some of them:

The Seven Elements Peru

Permaculture project in Oxapampa, Peru https://www.the7elements.com/the-coffee/

The 7Elements Peru NGO project was created many years ago by Giorgio Piracci and Renato Corapi in the region of Oxapampa, Perù. The project supports the indigenous Yanesha community through social and training projects, that have the aim to teach how to cultivate the land according to permaculture techniques that provide for agroecological management without any type of pesticide, herbicide or unnatural fertilizers.

International Women’s Coffee Alliance

 Global organization that unites and supports women in coffee https://www.womenincoffee.org/

The mission of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) is to empower women in the international coffee community to achieve meaningful and sustainable lives; and to encourage and recognize the participation of women in all aspects of the coffee industry.

Con Manos de Mujeres


As part of the International Women Coffee Alliance, The goal of the organization “Con Manos de Mujer”, established in 2009 in Guatemala, is to give women an equal opportunity by valuing their work throughout the coffee production chain.

Myanmar THE LADY 

Women Coffee project Myanmar is a country that has been experiencing difficult social situations for years. This is why we decided to promote coffee after meeting Thi Ha Gyawalie and Su Nandar Linn, the two young people who carry on this project.

For them, being able to sell their coffees directly abroad, without opaque intermediaries, means daring a hope, a prospect for all the women of the Ywangan region.


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