Order your favourite coffee in the convenience of your home!

Because of the COVID-19 health emergency, we all are forced to stay at home as much as possible. Nevertheless we are here for you! 


The exceptional circumstances caused by COVID-19 forces many people to stay at home. But this should not be a reason for you to stop drinking your favourite coffee which you can order conveniently from the comfort of your own home via Caffelab.com, our online platform. 

Ordina il tuo caffè preferito, comodamente da casa!Caffeelab, Online-Platform for coffee

In this phase of restricitions, we are still allowed to keep our roastery opened. Of course we have to strictly observe some security measures, but nevertheless we are able to do our daily business. As long as it will be possible we´ll be there for our profession: Processing and roasting coffee to make sure that you at home will always have enough fresh coffee!


And still much more

At Caffelab.com you can find not only all the coffees from our Mokaflor line. You also have the possibility to order other coffees out of our wide product range: monorigine coffee, biological coffee, capsules and pads. And you can also “play” with your coffee configurator that helps you to create your personal favourite blend

Ordina il tuo caffè preferito, comodamente da casa!

A good thing

If you decide to choose the blend “Caffèlab per Careggi” you help us to support the intensive care unit of Florence´s hospital. The whole generated revenue is donated to this unit which is suffering from the entire COVID-19 situation, not only because of overfilling.

Ordina il tuo caffè preferito, comodamente da casa!

Online courses

When coffee is your passion or when you just wish to refresh your knowledge, use these times for taking part in our online courses, offered by our school for coffee: Espresso Academy. All the courses you can see at the website are available online. And as soon as the circumstances will allow it, we are happy to welcome you at our school for the practical part. 

 Ordina il tuo caffè preferito, comodamente da casa!Espresso Academy online courses


If you need any further information or if you have a question, don´t hesitate to ask. 


We really hope that the actual situation will come to an end soon. Together we can handle the situation. Stay healthy!