Coffee: What do Organic and Fairtrade mean?

“Organic” and “Fair Trade”, terms you hear more and more when speaking about coffee. But what do they exactly mean? Let´s clarify things a little bit…

One of the most growing sectors in the coffee world is that of organic grown coffee. It can sometimes lead to confusion, as it is often used together with the term “Fair Trade”.

But what’s behind these two definitions, organic and fair trade coffee?

Let’s start with organic: this is when coffee is grown without the use of chemical substances and with the fullmost respect for the environment. Useful insects, minerals, animals and other resistant plants bring protection from harmful insects. The ground’s fertility stays preserved, even being boosted with natural fertilizers. Also, no pesticides are used for the protection of weeds. Only mechanical and agronomic techniques.

Fair trade coffee on the other hand is when agriculture also takes workers conditions into consideration. Owners of little plantations earn, especially when they work together in cooperatives, a stable salary that never gets lower than a certain established limit. This grants a secure income for the farmers. Furthermore the contracts are establised for a duration of a few years and social projects in the cultivation area are supported.

As you can see the Fair Trade and organic coffee is also part of the service sector. Services that get valued with special certificates. There are many labels that promise to guarantee that coffee and its handling process are organic and fair trade.

Another certification which we are working for is that of the rainforest alliance which stands for economical, social and environmental sustainability.

Check out all our organic and fair trade espresso blends and single origin coffees, here!

Source: Simone Celli,


Risultati immagini per fair trade labelRisultati immagini per bio  The Rainforest Alliance Certified seal